SBAC Practice


Preparing for Smarter Balance Assessments

In third grade, the students will take the SBAC (End-of-Year Assessments).  Throughout the school year, we will prepare for these assessments.  You can help your child practice for the upcoming SBAC test by taking advantage of the online training.  This test is computer-based, so it is important to get acquainted with the interface and variety of questions and formats that will be used. 

Follow these steps: 

1.  Make sure your volume is turned on and not muted. 

2. Go to

3.  Click on the “Practice & Training Tests” link.

4.  Next, choose the green box labeled “Student Interface Practice and Training Tests.”

5.  Then choose the “Sign In” button. Do not fill in any information or unclick the boxes. Simply click Sign In. 

6.  Select Grade 3 from the drop down box and then click “Yes.”

7.  Next, choose a test to practice. The left column is Math practice and the right column includes ELA. Take the time to practice each one!

8.  Simply click “select” on the next screen, and then “Yes, Start My Test.” Finally, choose “Begin Test Now.”